Legacy: ET Pro2, ET plus

ET Pro2: Programming
- Programming a Station in User No ET Mode
- Setting the Controller Date and Time
- Programming the WeatherTRAK ET Pro2 in Automated by WeatherTRAK Mode
- Manual Irrigation
- Winterizing the WeatherTRAK ET Pro2 Controller
ET Pro2: Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting and Clearing Flow Alerts
- Troubleshooting and Clearing a Leak (LK) Alert
- Troubleshooting and Clearing a Mainline Break (MB) Alert
- Troubleshooting and Clearing a No Connect (NC) Alert
- Troubleshooting and Clearing a No Flow (NF) Alert
- Troubleshooting and Clearing Valve Alerts
ET Plus: Programming
- How Do I Program my Controller for Water Restrictions While in User No ET Mode?
- Adding Valve Stations to Controller
- How Do I Find and Install a Compatible Rain Sensor?
- How Do I Program a Second or Third Start Time on my Controller?
- How Do I Program my Controller for Water Restrictions While in Auto Mode?
- How can I operate my stations manually?
ET Plus: Troubleshooting
- Why is my Display Screen Blank? ET Plus
- My Controller is Beeping. How Can I Make it Stop?
- My Landscape is Getting Too Much Water. How Can I Fix This?
- My Landscape is Dry and Needs More Water
- Why is My Controller Irrigating When it is Raining?
- Will My Controller Irrigate with the Main Knob in the Manual Position?