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    How Do I Program a Second or Third Start Time on my Controller?

    WeatherTRAK ET Plus

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    Your WeatherTRAK ET plus gives you the option to program a second or third start time into your controller. For example, you want to water your front lawn during the early morning hours and your back lawn during the evening hours. You may even want to set your drip system in your garden to water mid-afternoon.  In order to have the option of multiple start times, your controller must be operating in the fully automated mode, which means that you are receiving daily updates in weather data through our WeatherTRAK ET Everywhere service.  

    To enable separate start times, you controller must first be set to non-stacking. Non-stacking means that your schedules will operate independently of each other, and will start at the time you program in.

    Perform the following steps to set your controller to non-stacking:

    1.  Turn the MAIN knob to SETUP.

    2.  Turn the Upper Line knob until STACKING displays.

    3.  To set the stacking option to “No,” turn the Lower Line knob until No displays.

    After setting your controller to non-stacking, you will then program each of your schedules to run at the desired time. Your controller has three separate schedules which can be programmed to operate independently of each other. Schedules A and B operate in conjunction with our WeatherTRAK ET Everywhere service, and schedule U is the User-defined schedule, and can operate with or without our ET Everywhere service.


    If you do not currently have the WeatherTRAK ET Everywhere service, only one start time can be set.

    To set separate start times for each of your schedules, perform the following steps:

    1.  Turn the MAIN knob to SCHEDULE.

    2.  Turn the Lower Line knob to select A, B, or U.

    3.  Turn the Upper Line knob to select SET IRR START HOUR SCH.

    4.  Turn the Lower Line knob to set the hour you would like irrigation to begin. Pay close attention to AM or PM as you turn through the choices to make sure you are selecting accordingly.

    5.  Turn the Upper Line knob to set the start time minutes.

    6.  Turn the Lower Line knob to set the minutes of the hour you want to begin watering.

    7.  Turn the MAIN knob back to RUN.

    8.       Repeat steps 1-7 for the remaining two (2) schedules.

    9.       To finish, turn the MAIN knob to RUN.