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    (SNF) Stations Not Found

    Hardware Alert

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    When a stations not found alert occurs, the controller is not detecting all of the user-defined max active stations. The controller will not irrigate stations it cannot detect.  

    This type of alert is most commonly caused by a programming error, less commonly caused by a hardware issue.  

    Programming Error Causes

    • New controllers are shipped pre-programmed to the maximum number of stations available on the controller. If the number of stations connected to the controllers does not match the number of stations that are programmed, you will get a stations not found alert.

    • A station decoder was not properly programmed for the 2-Wire controller.

    Possible Fixes for a Programming Error

    • Check to see that the number of Max Active Stations matches the number of stations connected to the controller.  Read: Setting the Maximum Active Stations

    • For 2-Wire controllers, check to see that the station decoders are assigned and properly programmed. Refer to the installation guide for instructions on how to assign and program decoders. 


    Hardware Issue Causes

    • One or more station keys are missing or improperly installed.

    • The ribbon cable between station input/output boards is defective or the connecting pins on the controller board are damaged.

    Possible Fixes for a Hardware Issue

    • Confirm ribbon cables and terminal board connections are seated properly.

    • Confirm station keys are seated properly. Unplug then plug back in the station keys.

    • Check to see that the number of station keys is adequate for the required stations. Install any missing station keys.

    Clearing a Stations Not Found Alert

    Approximately 30 seconds after the situation is fixed, the alert will clear on its own.