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    Standard and Optimized Schedules

    OptiFlow 2-Wire

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    When an OptiFlow enabled controller is first activated and synchronized with the WeatherTRAK server, the controller is in a Standard schedule mode. This means the controller can be programmed entirely using a traditional Standard schedule constructed on the Program page in WeatherTRAK Central. This enables you to use the OptiFlow enabled controller until it is time to perform the complete OptiFlow site configuration. One example of when this is helpful is when a site's landscape would benefit from watering, yet not all controllers have been installed, so configuration is impossible.

    Standard vs. Optimized Schedules

    In Standard schedule mode, the OptiFlow enabled controller is not utilizing the schedule optimization features of OptiFlow and is functioning independently of other controllers on the site. All of the programming options found on the Program page of WeatherTRAK Central are available. These can also be accessed via WeathTRAK Mobile. For example, setting up the POC and Mainline can be performed. Like any other WeatherTRAK non-OptiFlow "standard" controller, you can freely program the controller to meet your immediate landscape needs.


    Please Note

    Only ML1 (Mainline 1) is used for OptiFlow controllers in Standard schedule mode on the Program page. Be aware that if there is more than one controller in Standard schedule mode expecting to use the same mainline, alerts and/or unpredictable behavior can occur - as schedules could overlap, and no access to the mainline due to master valve closures is possible.

    The OptiFlow enabled controller will remain using the Standard schedule until the Hydraulic Tree has begun to be built. This is performed on the OptiFlow Configure page of WeatherTRAK Central. Once a POC, controller program, and station have been assigned to a pipe, the OptiFlow enabled controller will start using the new Optimized schedule. The Standard schedule will no longer be available, and the controller will not be able to return to this temporary state moving forward. This means it is crucial to complete the configuration so watering can occur fully.

    Consult the OptiFlow Users Guide for detailed programming information.

    One way to know if a controller is using a Standard or Optimized schedule is to view the Manage Controller or Program page. At the top, the Irrigation Schedule will display what is being used. 



    Additionally, on the Configure page, you will find an icon representing the schedule being used next to the controller. 



    Important to Know

    Suppose an OptiFlow controller is managing a POC. In that case, the OptiFlow controller will automatically open the master valve for the duration of the Site Irrigation Window, even if no scheduled irrigation is occurring. When an OptiFlow controller is initially programmed using the Program page in WeatherTRAK Central or the Mobile App, the Site Irrigation Window will default to 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The Site Irrigation Window can be adjusted on the OptiFlow Configure page by editing the Water Source configuration.

    Read more about the Site Irrigation Window and leak detection behaviors here.

    Suppose more than one OptiFlow enabled controller on a site in Standard schedule mode. In that case, you may experience more flow alerts because the controller managing the POC (Manager controller) will not comprehend the flow usage from the other controllers using the mainline.