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    WeatherTRAK Central Home Page Enhancements


    The WeatherTRAK Central Home page underwent a design overhaul August 2024. The new design includes multiple new features and a new look that closely tracks with the WeatherTRAK Mobile App. 

    New Navigation Header!

    At the top of WeatherTRAK Central there is a navigation header to help you move around to different parts of the website. The new header is updated for every page in WeatherTRAK Central. The functionality is the same as before and only has one small change to the naming of one of the tabs (Smart Irrigation is now Controllers).

    New Account Map!

    There is a new map experience that rolls up every site a user manages into a single Account map. A user can quickly navigate to any site they want or need to manage by locating it on the map and clicking on the Site icon.

    When the user selects a site a pop-up will appear that provides valuable context for that Site including the number of controllers at the site, the mode those controllers are in at that time, and how many alerts are active at that Site. The pop-up also includes links (highlighted in red above) directly to multiple pages including the Controller list page, Program page, Manual page, SiteMap, and the Alerts page.

    New Controller Display!

    Below the Account Map the new Home page will display all controllers a user has access to. The display provides key information about status of each controller, active alerts, and last daily ET captured for each controller. The field to the left of the controller display includes all controller statuses and how many controllers are in each state. The user can click on the number next to the controller state and the display will update to only show the controllers in that state. If a user selects a controller in the display field, the Account map will automatically orient itself to the Site where that controller is located. A user can also update the controller mode for a single controller or for all controllers they manage. 

    New Alert Display!

    Near the bottom of the Home page is a controller Alert display that shows all active alerts, how long the alert has been active, the controller, Site, and Account the alert is tied to and what type of alert is active. The user can clear all alerts from the display if needed. The field to the left of the display shows the alert category with the number of alerts in each category. The user can click on the number associated with each category and the alert display will update to show only the alerts in that category.