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    Changes to WeatherTRAK Central user name and password rules


    As of August 28, 2024, WeatherTRAK Central no longer supports a blank space as a supported character type for a user name or password. If you try to create a user name or a password with a blank space, WeatherTRAK Central will not accept the user name. 

    For user names that existed prior to August 28, 2024 that included a blank space, here is what changed:

    1. If you had a user name with a blank space before or after your user name, the blank space has been automatically removed. 
    2. If you had a user name with a blank space in the middle of your user name, the blank space has been automatically replaced by an underscore “_".
    3. If your password includes a space, you will be prompted to change your password the next time you attempt to login.

    For passwords that existed prior to August 28, 2024 that included a blank space, here is what changed:

    1. Next time you log into WeatherTRAK Central you will need to reset your password.

    Learn how to change your user name here.