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    (OFL) Controller Offline

    Communication Alert

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    When a controller offline alert occurs, it means that the controller has not had recent communication with the WeatherTRAK Central server. Unless the power is off, the controller will continue to irrigate as scheduled; however, the controller may not receive ET messages and the controller may no longer be synchronized with the website. This may mean the controller is experiencing general communication issues (intermittently going offline or running backup schedules).

    Possible Causes:

    • The controller has lost power or has been turned off
    • The two-way phase integrities are low
    • The two-way controller is set to one-way in the ADVANCED menu
    • Expired WeatherTRAK subscription
    • Cell tower or cell phone issues

    Possible Fixes:

    Check out the following videos in our Communications Playlist to help understand and diagnose the issue:

    Troubleshooting Basics

    Upgrade to LTE: If note done already, update your controller to LTE to get the latest connectivity standards. To learn more about how to upgrade your controller, read: LTE Antenna Upgrades Kits‍. Please note:

    • Many controllers are eligible for the Worry-Free Wireless Warranty, which is designed to ensure that the connection your irrigation system uses to receive ET weather data and system updates will always work, even as cellular technology changes.
    • If you have a PRO 2 controller, you cannot update to LTE. To upgrade your Pro2 controller, Click here.

    Check Power

    How to Check Power to the Controller

    1. Display Panel backlit and/or panel beeps when pressing button? No? press SETUP, then + button. If does not turn on, power has been lost to the panel.
    2. Mini-Chassis lights on? 
      1. If mini-chassis lights are on, but the display panel is not on, check the ribbon cable is securely fashioned. If you have a nearby ribbon cable, swap them to see if that is the issue. If it is not the ribbon cable or you do not know, call Customer Support for next steps.
      2. If the mini-chassis lights are not on, then check the fuse. If not fuse need to check all power connections. If it is fuse, make sure to purchase a slow blow (also called delay) fuse, not a regular.
    3. Where is Controller losing power? With a voltmeter read voltage before and after connections to the transformer; is the transformer blown? Now check where power cord plugs into the adapter; does it read 24v-28v? If power is running through the adapter, it is likely the mini chassis has failed and will need to call customer service for next steps. 
    4. For more information see Verify Power to the Controller‍ 

    Update Controller Firmware

    Updating to the latest controller firmware to get all the latest features, fixes, and performance improvements. The easiest way to update your controller is to get the Cloud Update Key. If you already have the Cloud Update Key installed, you can request a firmware update by calling Customer Support at 800-362-8774 or by filling out this form

    Please Note: ET Pro2 does not support the Cloud Update Key. 

    How to Check Communication Firmware Settings on the Controller

    Check Modem

    How to Check if the Modem is Current

    How to reset the Modem.

    1. Press COMM.
    2. Press à until VIEW PHASE INTEGRITY displays. The readings for Strength should read Good and Quality should read OK. If you see “No Signal” Try resetting the modem.
    3. Press à until the GPRS STATUS screen displays.  (COMM screen 13)
    4. Press to reset the modem. Wait a few minutes. If resetting the controller was successful, you will see Online under GPRS Status.

    Check Signals 

    1. Check Cellular Signal: Check that your phone has a sufficient cellular signal. Apps like Speedtest by Ookla can run tests to check your performance and cell signal strength.  
    2. Check Controller Signal: Cell signals can penetrate plastic, but not metal. If the controller is placed inside a metal enclosure, an external antenna - such as the pancake antenna (#ANT_LTE_P) - will need to be installed outside the enclosure for adequate signal connection.

    3. Check Site Signal: If these options do not work or if the site has known interference, contact support. We may be able to isolate whether it is a hardware or network issue in order to recommend a new part or signal amplification solution respectively. Your site needs to be qualified before installing any signal amplification accessory. For how to qualify your site, read Signal Test Kit for Site Survey. These results will help us determine if changing carriers or installing an outdoor antenna - such as omni antenna (#ANT-OMNI) on a roofline - is a viable solution. 

    How To Connect an Antenna to Modem


    Check Connections

    If there is another controller on site that is working, use the parts listed below on the issue controller to isolate the defective part. Use the "known good method" to check the integrity of:

    • Ribbon Cables. Ribbon cables can easily be nicked or shorted. First try to pull out, brush off then put back in the original ribbon cable. If that doesn't resolve the issue and you have another controller on site, use the ribbon cable of the working controller on the issue controller.

    Clearing a Controller Offline Alert:

    You do not need to do anything to clear this type of alert. It will automatically clear when communication is restored.