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    (SD) System Shutdown

    Status Alert

    PDF es:

    When a system shutdown alert occurs, it means that a user has turned off all irrigation by placing the controller in shutdown mode from either the controller, the mobile app, or from  

    When a shutdown occurs, all irrigation stops indefinitely, and will not resume until the controller is taken out of shutdown mode.

    Possible Cause:

    A catastrophic event could have occurred where the user needed to close to master valve immediately.

    Possible Fix:

    Address the problem to find out why the controller was placed in shutdown mode. If the situation is OK, then place the controller back into the correct mode. The alert will clear automatically when the controller is turned back on.

    To return the controller to ON mode from the controller or from Shutdown Mode

    To return the controller to ON mode from the mobile app: Changing Controller Mode with the WeatherTRAK App