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    Updating Zone Details

    BaseManager: Setting Up Your Controller

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    1.  Make sure that the irrigation controller you want to work with is displayed in the BaseManager footer. To select a different controller, click the Menu icon 1620692756053-1620692756053.png in the upper-left corner of the BaseManager page, and then click Sites and Controllers. Continue drilling down until you can select the desired controller.

    2.  Position the cursor on the Devices tab, and then click Zones in the menu that displays.

    3.  In the list of zones, find the row for the zone that you want to change the settings for, and then click the ">" at the end of the row. The Zone Properties page displays.

    4.  Click Edit in the lower-right corner of the page.

    5.  Perform any of the following tasks:

    • Update the zone description – Click in the Description field and type a new description.


    Limit the number of characters in the Description to 32 characters (BaseStation 1000) or 42 characters (BaseStation 3200). If you enter a longer description, the controller will automatically shorten it, and then pass the new version back to BaseManager.

    • Enable or Disable the zone – A check mark in the box means that the zone is enabled. Click in the box to set the check mark or remove the check mark.

    • Update the Design Flow – Type the number of gallons per minute that is expected for this zone based on the physical components and topology used in construction.

    6.  Click the ">" to expand the Additional Zone Properties.


    If you are planning to use Baseline's weather-based watering technology, you need to complete all fields in the Additional Zone Properties and make sure that you have a weather station connected to BaseManager and assigned to your irrigation controller. The controller uses this data to perform calculations and provide the runtimes, cycle times, and soak times for your zones. If you are using a timed watering method, you can leave the default settings in the Additional Zone Properties.

    7.  Update the following fields in the Irrigation Information section:

    Sprinkler Type – Click the drop-down arrow in the field and from the list that displays, click the type of device used in this zone for distributing water in this zone.


    Click the "Info" button next to the "Sprinkler Type" field to review the list of sprinkler types along with their precipitation rates and distribution uniformity percentages.

    If the list does not include the exact device used in this zone, choose Custom, and then change the number in the Application Rate field to indicate the rate (in inches per hour) at which water is applied to this zone by the sprinkler type. For a Custom entry, you can also change the number in the Distribution Uniformity field if needed.

    8.  Update the following fields in the Landscape Information section:

    Use Basic Plant Information – Select this option to use the root depth, crop coefficient, and sun exposure for your zone runtime calculations.

    Use Detailed Plant Information – Select this option to include the species factor, root depth, density factor, and microclimate factor in your zone runtime calculations. To get the best results from these settings, we suggest that you have some knowledge of weather-based watering science.

    Use Monthly Values – Select this option to enter values for each month in specific fields based on your selection of Basic or Detailed Plant Information.

    Species Factor (displays when Use Detailed Plant Information is selected) – The Species Factor (Ks) is a value used to adjust reference evapotranspiration to reflect a specific plant species. The Species Factor is a component of the Landscape Coefficient (KL).

    Enter a high value for plant material that needs a lot of water, and a low value for those species that need little water.

    Species factor lists have been developed for some regions. Try searching on the Internet to find a list for your region.

    Species Factor Settings

    Very Low
    Species Factor
    0.7 - 0.9 0.4 - 0.6 0.1 - 0.3 < 0.1

    Micro Climate Factor (displays when Use Detailed Plant Information is selected) – The Micro Climate Factor (Kmc) is a value used to adjust reference evapotranspiration to reflect the specific climate of an area. Use this factor to indicate whether the area is cool, shady, and protected or hot, sunny and windy or an average area that is somewhere in between. The Micro Climate Factor is a component of the Landscape Coefficient (KL).

    Enter a high value for areas that are exposed to direct sun (or reflective heat) and high winds. Enter a low value for areas in shade and/or areas that are protected from the wind.

    Micro Climate Factor Settings

    Micro Climate Factor
    1.1 - 1.4 1.0 0.5 - 0.9

    Crop Coefficient (displays when Use Basic Plant Information is selected) – The Crop Coefficient is a value used to modify reference evapotranspiration (ETo) to reflect the water use of a particular plant or group of plants. If you increase the Crop Coefficient value, the irrigation system will water longer.

    Sun Exposure (displays when Use Basic Plant Information is selected) – Select the amount of sun this zone receives during the day.

    9.  Update the following fields in the "Soil Information" section:

    Soil Type – Select the soil type that matches the soil in this zone. The soil type you choose directly affects cycle time. Each soil type in the drop-down list has a default intake rate.


    In BaseManager, click the Info button next to the Soil Type field to review the list of soils along with their intake rates. This list is taken from the 8th Draft Testing Protocol Rev. 3 - September 2008 © 2008 Irrigation Association.

    Allowable Depletion – When the soil moisture content reaches the Allowable Depletion level, irrigation needs to start. In most cases, the maximum allowable depletion level is just before the plants begin to show visible signs of stress.

    Slope – Select the option that represents the angle of the slope in this zone.

    10.  Review the values in the Suggested Irrigation Cycle Time and Soak Time for this Zone.

    Calculated Cycle Time – Uses the zone properties to determine how long you can water before there will be runoff.

    Calculated Soak Time – Uses the zone properties to determine how long the applied water needs to soak into the soil before more water can be applied.

    11.  (Optional) Enter any additional information about the zone in the Notes box.

    12.  Click Save at the bottom of the page.