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    Troubleshooting 2-Wire

    WeatherTRAK Legacy 2-Wire Controllers

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    Required Tools:

    • Milliamp Clamp Meter. HydroPoint recommends the Armada Pro 93 RMS AC Leakage Clamp

    • A site map that shows the run of the 2-Wire path  


    When addressing a 2-Wire issue, it is important to determine that the problem is a 2-Wire issue by disqualifying any WeatherTRAK controller issues. After the determination has been made that the problem involves the 2-Wire path, troubleshooting can begin.

    Watch the video below to learn how this is done.

    Summary of troubleshooting steps:

    1.  Isolate the issue to make sure the problem is with the 2-Wire and not a WeatherTRAK issue

    2.  Isolate the issue on the hardware

    3.  Separate the controller from the 2-wire path

    4.  Use the required tools to troubleshoot the 2-wire path

    5.  Find the short in the field and fix it

    For a full set of troubleshooting steps, click HERE.