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    (W) Winterized

    Status Alert

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    When a winterized alert occurs, it means that the controller has been placed into a winterized status. All scheduled irrigation will stop indefinitely. This is expected behavior, and you do not need to do anything to clear the alert.

    The controller will continue to receive daily ET values, but stations depletion remains constant. Manual irrigation, Runtime Valve Test, and MV Override are disabled.

    How to Clear a Winterized Alert

    When taking your controller out of winterized mode, the alert will clear on its own. 

    To take a controller out of winterized mode in WeatherTRAK Central and from the controller,  read:
    Taking the WeatherTRAK Controller out of Winterized Mode

    To take a controller out of winterized mode from the WeatherTRAK mobile app, read:
    Changing the Controller Mode