When a controller paused alert occurs, it means that irrigation has been paused by either a rain pause or rain switch device. All scheduled irrigation will stop until the rain pause duration has expired. If it has recently rained, this is expected controller behavior. If it has not rained and the pause was generated by a rain switch, the rain switch should be checked.
Possible Causes:
- A rain pause has been set at the controller or from WeatherTRAK.net
- A rain pause was automatically set by WeatherTRAK’s Climate Center
- A rain sensor has been activated
- A rain sensor has failed to open (no rain has occurred)
Possible Fixes:
The Controller Paused alert will clear itself after the rain pause duration has expired. To bypass the rain switch device, you can set the rain pause duration to 0 days from the controller, from WeatherTRAK.net, or from your mobile device.
To set a Weather Center rain pause duration to 0 from WeatherTRAK.net:
Removing a WeatherTRAK Rain Pause
To set the rain pause duration to 0 from the mobile app:
Creating, Canceling, and Viewing a Rain Pause
To set a rain pause duration to 0 from WeatherTRAK Central:
Setting a Rain Pause from WeatherTRAK Central
To set the rain pause duration to 0 from the controller:
Pausing Irrigation for Rain