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    Setting Up a Water Source (BaseStation 3200)

    BaseManager: Setting Up Flow Management & Monitoring

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    1.  Make sure that the irrigation controller you want to work with is displayed in the BaseManager footer. To select a different controller, click the "Menu" icon 1620692756053-1620692756053.png in the upper-left corner of the BaseManager page, and then click "Sites and Controllers". Continue drilling down until you can select the desired controller.

    2.  Click the "Flow Setup" tab, and then click "Water Sources" in the menu that displays.

    3.  In the Water Sources list, click in the row for water source that you want to set up. The "Water Source Settings" page displays. If a check mark displays in the "Managed by FlowStation" box in the upper-right corner, you cannot make changes to the water source settings in BaseManager. Settings for water sources that are managed by the FlowStation can only be changed on the FlowStation, in FlowManager, or on their respective BaseStation 3200 irrigation controllers.


    To return to the Water Source list, click the "<" arrow in the upper-left of the "Water Source Settings" page.

    4.  Click the "Edit" button in the lower-right of the BaseManager footer. The Water Source fields become available for editing.

    5.  In the "Description" field, type a name that makes this water source easy to identify.


    Limit the number of characters in the Description to 32 characters (BaseStation 1000) or 42 characters (BaseStation 3200). If you enter a longer description, the controller will automatically shorten it, and then pass the new version back to BaseManager.

    6.  In the "Enabled" field, click in the box to add a check mark, which indicates that the water source can be used. If you do not want the water source to be used, click in the box to remove the check mark.

    7.  In the "Water Source Priority" field, click the drop-down arrow, and then select the priority that you want to assign to this water source. When an irrigation system has more than one water source with different priorities, water from the source with the highest priority is used first until the monthly budget limit is reached. Then the system switches to the water source with the next highest priority.

    8.  In the "Monthly Budget" field, type the number of gallons that can be used from this water source during a month.

    9.  Select the "Shutdown" check box if you want the water source to shut down until the first of the next month when the monthly budget amount has been exceeded.

    10.  Select the "Water Rationing" check box if you want to enable water rationing. When you enable water rationing, the system determines the daily water ration by dividing the number of gallons in the Monthly Budget field by the number of days in the month. The system will use only the ration amount for daily watering. If a day is skipped, that water ration is available the next day.

    11.  If you want to set up an empty condition for the water source, refer to Setting Up a Water Source Empty Condition (BaseStation 3200).

    12.  When you finish making changes to the water source settings, click the "Save" button in the BaseManager footer.