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    Updating Sites

    BaseManager: Administration

    PDF es:

    BaseManager users with Company Admin privileges can access the BaseManager Administration interface and update sites that have been added to the company.

    1.  After you have logged into BaseManager, click the Menu icon 1620692756053-1620692756053.png in the upper-left corner of the page.

    2.  In the menu, click Administration.

    3.  In the next menu, click Administration again. The BaseManager Administration interface opens in a new browser tab.

    4.  In the My Company Admin menu on the left side of the page, click My Sites.

    5.  In the expanded menu, click Edit My Sites. The list displays the sites that you have added.

    6.  Find the row for the site that you want to update, and then click the Edit button.

    7.  Update the Site Name field as necessary.

    8.  To save your changes, click Edit.