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    Zones Activity Report

    BaseManager: Reports

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    The information at the top of the report shows the site and controller that the report was generated for.

    To see the detail on the bar graph, change the interval to "One Day" or "One Hour". Refer to Baseline Analytics Overview.

    The bar graph shows:

    • The actual minutes that the zone ran

    • The zone status colors. Each hour has 4 segments. The color of the segment is the status at the end of the 15-minute time period.
      For example, if the zone is watering at 4:15 AM, the first segment of the hour is blue. If the zone is paused at 4:30 AM, the second segment of the hour is pink. If the zone is done at 4:34 AM, the third and fourth segment is green.

    The status colors legend is available at the bottom of the main Menu in BaseManager.

    A list of zones with no activity displays at the bottom of the report.