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    Checking the Calculated ETo Amount

    BaseManager: Working with Weather-Based Watering

    PDF es:

    1.  Make sure the controller that the weather station is assigned to is displayed in the BaseManager footer. To select a different controller, click the "Menu" icon 1620692756053-1620692756053.png in the upper-left corner of the BaseManager page, and then click "Sites and Controllers". Continue drilling down until you can select the desired controller.

    2.  Click the "Quick View" tab. The Quick View page displays.

    3.  Scroll down to the "Weather Station" heading.

    4.  Click the "^" or "v" in the heading to expand or collapse the section.

    5.  Review the number in the "ETo" column. This field shows the last calculated amount of water (in inches) needed to replace the moisture lost to evapotranspiration (ET). This value is calculated daily.