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    Programming a Station

    WeatherTRAK Mobile

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    If it is a new irrigation system installation or maintenance visit, programming a Station with WeatherTRAK Mobile can be a significant time-saver. 

    From the Sites List page, use the Select button to reveal the Controller's List page associated with the Site.

    From the Controller List page, use the Select button to go to the Station page. 

    A list of all Stations associated with the selected Controller will be displayed.

    Settings Page Button

    This button contains the name of the Station, the Station's number, and if an alert is present - displaying the type of alert associated with the Station. Additionally, if a Station Location asset has been placed, an orange map pin icon will appear at the top right corner of the button. 

    In this example, the Station Number is 5, the Name is displayed, and the orange Station Location "placed" asset icon is visible.

    To gain access to Station programming settings and options, tap its Settings Page button. On this page, you will find:

    1. Place or View button for Station Location asset
    2. Manual Irrigation Start or Stop button
    3. Default Timer button
    4. Global Station settings
    5. Auto Mode programming options
    6. User Mode programming options

    When changing one or more of the settings below, press the APPLY button to save the changes to the controller. The Mobile app will prompt you if that step is overlooked. 



    If you are learning flow, before making any settings changes to a station, wait until that station has finished and the learned flow value is captured/saved to the WeatherTRAK servers. Trying to save settings changes while a station is learning flow might result in the loss of the newly learned flow value. 

    Global Station Settings

    These settings can also be found on the Program page for the selected Controller on WeatherTRAK Central.

    Station Name Create or edit the name of a station

    Station Number

    Represents where the station is wired (conventional wired) or programmed (2-Wire) at the Controller


    Assign or re-assign the Station to one of the Controller's programs. This will be anything from A through H.

    Station Mode

    Change the mode the station is in. This can be Auto, User ET, User No ET, or OFF

    Use Water Window

    Change if the Station will or will not use the Water Window

    Usable Rainfall

    Change the percentage of rainfall that is considered usable

    Flow Rate

    Displays the learned flow of the Station. If the Controller is not able to learn flow, a User value can be entered. A User value can also be entered to override the learned flow value. "(User)" will be displayed in blue when the value has been entered manually. This is referencing the Station Flow table on the Program page of WeatherTRAK Central.

    High Flow Threshold

    Displays the Station High Flow Threshold that is calculated based on the Controller's Station High Flow Offset % value. A User value can also be entered to override this value. "(User)" will be displayed in blue when the value has been entered manually. This is referencing the Station Flow table on the Program page of WeatherTRAK Central.

    Low Flow Threshold

    Displays the Station Low Flow Threshold that is calculated based on the Controller's Station Low Flow Offset % value. This value is for reference only and cannot be overridden. This is referencing the Station Flow table on the Program page of WeatherTRAK Central.
    Current Depletion Displays the Current Depletion value. This can be changed by selecting a new value. This is referencing the Manage Stations table on the Manage Controller page of WeatherTRAK Central.

    Auto Mode settings

    These settings will be available when the selected Station is set to Auto.

    % Adjust

    Adjust the %, which affects the total amount of time the Station will water. 0% means there will be no change. +10%, for example, means an extra 10% of the watering time will be added, based on the total run time. If a station was scheduled to water for 15 minutes, and there was a +10% adjustment, the station would water for 16.5 minutes.

    Sprinkler Type

    Define the type of sprinklers the Station consists of. This also changes the Precip Rate and Sprinkler Efficiency based on the selected type. Those can be changed to reflect what values the actual sprinklers being used are. 

    Precip Rate

    Change the value of the Precip Rate from what the Sprinkler Type preset pre-defined, Enter the actual manufacturer's nozzle precip rate for best results.
    Sprinkler Efficiency Change the efficiency % to reflect how well the Station performs based on its design, layout, and water application uniformity. 
    Soil Type Change the Soil Type to match the Station's soil.
    Plant Type Change the Plant Type to match the plants that are being watered.
    Root Depth Change the depth of the roots (in inches) to reflect the root depth of the plants that are being watered. If the Root Depth exceeds 18 inches, Target MAD will be set to AUTO. 
    Microclimate Change the climate conditions found for the selected Station.
    Slope Change the % of slope found for the selected Station. This affects the cycle and soak.
    Location on Slope Change where the Station is located on the slope above. This affects the cycle and soak.

    Target MAD

    Change the % of Target MAD. This will be set to AUTO if Root Depth exceeds 18 inches.

    User Mode settings

    These settings will be available when the selected Station is set to User ET or User No ET.

    % Adjust

    Adjust the % which affects the total amount of time the Station will water. 0% means there will be no change. +10%, for example, means an extra 10% of watering time will be added, based on the total run time. If a station was scheduled to water for 15 minutes, and there was a +10% adjustment, the station would water for 16.5 minutes.

    Run Time

    Adjust the amount of time the Station will water

    # of Cycles

    Adjust the number of Cycles (times) the Station's total run time will be sectioned into. A 30 minute run time, with 3 Cycles will create 3, 10-minute Cycles.

    Soak Time

    Adjust the amount of time between each of the Cycles above - enabling the water time to soak into the soil.

    Backup Weekly ET

    If there is a communication issue between the Controller and the WeatherTRAK servers, and ET data is not available, the Backup Weekly ET value is referenced. This number can only be adjusted when in User ET mode.

    Reference Month

    This setting Is only available if the Station is assigned to a Program that has the Water Day Mode set to Days of Week by Month.

    To customize selections see Setting Up Station, Plant, Slope, Sprinklers