Baseline Analytics gives an overall picture of what is happening on your site in real time. Date ranges can also be set to get a historical picture of site events. Click the "Analytics" icon in App Manager to get started.
Each report in Baseline Analytics provides information for the following. To learn more, click on the links below.
General Information and Summary
Reports can be generated and viewed from the following levels:
- Company
- Site
- Controller
- Device type
When navigating, use the arrow to drill down to reach each level (site, controller, device.
Use the arrow to make your selection for the level you want.
1. From the App Manager home page, click the "Analytics" icon in the lower left corner.
2. To generate a report for a company, site, controller or device, first make sure that the correct company is listed at the top of the page. To select a different company, click the "Menu" icon in the upper-left corner of the BaseManager page, and then click "Company". Scroll down and select the company you want, then click the back arrow twice to close the window.
3. Drill down to the "Site", "Controller", or "Device type" using the arrow. For example, if you want to generate a report that will tell you what is happening in a specific zone, you will need click the
arrow until you reach the zone you are looking for.
4. Click the arrow located to the right to display the report.
5. To choose a different level or device type, first close the window by clicking the "X" in the top corner of the report. Use the and
arrows to navigate to the level or device type you want.
Setting a Time Range for a Report
Setting a time range for a report is helpful when you want to narrow in on a specific set of days or hours to see what has occurred on your site.
1. Click in the "From" and "To" fields to display the calendar. Select the dates you want then click "Refresh" to display the results.
2. When the report displays, you can position the cursor (or tap) on any data bar or point on a line graph to display a pop-up box that shows the data details.
Printing a Report
Reports are downloaded and saved by clicking the icon. Reports are available in the following formats:
- PNG (image)
- JPEG (image)
- PDF (document)
- SVG (vector image)
- CSV (spreadsheet format)
- XLS (spreadsheet format)
1. To print a report, click the "Chart Context" icon .
2. Click on the format you want. The report will download to your device.