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    Why is My Controller Irrigating When it is Raining?

    WeatherTRAK ET Plus

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    There are a few reasons why your controller may be irrigating in the rain. Let’s walk through them.

    Reason #1

    If you are not subscribing to our WeatherTRAK ET Everywhere service, your system does not receive weather data. The controller irrigates during the time it has been programmed to do so unless you are using a rain switch or sensor.

    Reason #2 

    A rain switch or sensor has not been installed. A rain switch sends a signal to your controller to stop irrigating during rain events.

    Reason #3

    If your usable rainfall has been set to “none” within station settings, your controller will still irrigate. When usable rainfall has been set to none, it ignores both programmed rain pause messages and rain switch messages. To remedy this, perform the following steps:

    1.  Turn the MAIN knob to PROGRAM.

    2.  Turn the Upper Line knob until the USABLE RAINFALL screen displays. Depending on your controller type, you will have the option to either set usable rainfall to yes/none OR to set a percentage of usable rainfall.

    • If your model has the yes/none option, use the Lower Line knob to select “yes” to ensure that your system does not irrigate in the rain.

    • If your model sets usable rainfall percentage, use the Lower Line knob to select usable rain percentage to 100% to ensure that your system does not irrigate in the rain.

    Your WeatherTRAK ET plus has a rain pause feature. You can easily use this feature to pause irrigation during a rain event. Whether you see clouds on the horizon or if the rain is already starting to come down, you can pause your system from 0-14 days. Irrigation is immediately stopped. Your system will resume watering after the length of time is up that you programmed in.

    To pause your watering, perform the following steps:

    1.  Turn the MAIN knob to RAIN PAUSE.

    2.  Use the Lower Line knob to select the number of days you would like to pause irrigation from occurring.

    3.  To finish, turn the MAIN knob to RUN.


    When you turn the MAIN knob back to RUN, the screen will display RAIN PAUSE. If you need to increase or decrease the number of pause days, simply follow steps 1-3 again to make your changes.