To replace the battery in the iron FlowHD, please follow the instructions below. HydroPoint is not responsible for purchasing battery nor the associated repair material nor obligated to perform the repair. Battery Replacements will void both HydroPoint's and Netafim's Manufacturing Warranties. Replacements should only be done with meters that are out of warranty.
It is extremely important the internal printed circuit board (PCB) is kept dry and clean throughout this replacement. Make sure to be extra cautious. Replacing the battery will be very difficult for meters in a moist or hard-to-reach environments (ex: underground or in crawl space).
Instructions require:

Tadiran TL-6132 are custom built batteries. You will need to purchase the battery with a Netafim Dealer. Please have the Netafim distributor use the Netafim Dealer Portal to order battery using SKU #70220-000044, Model# 36OBATTERY.