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    (WD) Water Window

    Status Alert

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    When a water window alert occurs, there is a conflict between a program and a water window. This usually occurs when the user-defined water window is too short for the number of stations assigned. The controller will proportionately reduce all station runtimes to fit within the user-defined water window. The alert will be resolved when the programs can fit all the necessary irrigation into the programmed days and times.


    Your landscape may be at risk due to insufficient irrigation when this type of alert occurs.

    Possible Cause:

    • Current weather conditions require runtimes that exceed the lengths of the water window.

    Possible Fixes:

    • Increase the length of the water window in the DAYS/TIMES menu.

    • Assign some stations to another program with another start time and water window.

    • Assign a second high ET start time with a second water window.

    Clearing a Water Window Alert:

    You do not need to do anything to clear the alert. When you reprogram the controller, the alert will automatically clear. 

    For information on how to adjust the water window, read: Setting Start Time and Water Window Length

    For information on how to assign stations to another program, read: Assigning a Station to a Program