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    Updating Pressure Sensor Details

    BaseManager: Setting Up Your Controller

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    1.  Make sure that the controller that you want to update pressure sensor details on is displayed in the BaseManager footer. To select a different controller, click the "Menu" icon 1620692756053-1620692756053.png in the upper-left corner of the BaseManager page, and then click "Sites and Controllers". Continue drilling down until you can select the desired controller.

    2.  Click the "Devices" tab, and then in the menu that displays, click "Pressure Sensors". The main Pressure Sensors page displays and the View Pressure Sensors option is selected.

    3.  At the right end of the row for the pressure sensor that you want to update, click the "Edit" icon . The Edit Pressure Sensor dialog box displays.

    4.  In the "Description" field, edit the description that makes the pressure sensor easy to identify.


    Limit the number of characters in the Description to 32 characters (BaseStation 1000) or 42 characters (BaseStation 3200). If you enter a longer description, the controller will automatically shorten it, and then pass the new version back to BaseManager.

    5.  If you want a pressure sensor marker to display on the BaseManager map in the proper location, type or paste the GPS coordinates for the location of the pressure sensor in the "Latitude" and "Longitude" fields.

    6.  In the "4mA Value" field, type a number that represents the low end of the pressure range.

    7.  In the "20mA Value" field, type a number that represents the high end of the pressure range.

    8.  Click the "Save" button. The main Pressure Sensors page displays. To have the changes that you just made to the pressure sensor display in the list, click the "Refresh" button on the upper-right side of the page.