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    Instructions for Accessing the HPDS ETE Data Service


    Via command line Secure FTP client (PSFTP used in example)

    1. Open your Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client application.
    2. Open a session to
      1. Double click executable to launch.
      2. At the command prompt “psftp>” type “open”.
      3. At prompt “login as:” type your assigned username and press enter.
      4. At prompt’s password: enter your assigned password.
    3. To list the contents of your root directory type “ls” and hit enter.
    4. You will see the following directories:
      1. Archived
      2. Input
      3. Output
      4. Processing
    5. To retrieve your daily output:
      1. Type “cd Output”.  Type “ls” to list the files available for download.
      2. To retrieve a file, type “get filename” (filename format is yearmonthdayET.csv.  For example, the file for November 20, 2008 would be 20081120ET.csv)
    6. Once downloading is complete, logoff by typing “bye” or “quit” and hitting enter.


    Via Windows GUI client (WinSCP used in example)

    1. Open your Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client application.
    2. Configure the SFTP session:
      1. For hostname enter
      2. Port number should be 22.
      3. Enter assigned username and password.
      4. Leave Private Key File blank.
      5. Click Save if you wish to save the session information.
      6. Click login.
      7. You can now drag and drop files from the FTP server to your desktop PC or mapped drives.