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    Assigning a Water Day Mode to a Program

    WeatherTRAK Controllers

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    The WeatherTRAK controller has seven different water day modes to choose from. The same water day mode can be assigned to different programs.

    • Optimized by WeatherTRAK: Watering day patterns are automatically determined for each station as depletion values reach 50% with the ability to restrict one day from irrigation for maintenance.

    • Odd/Even Days: Watering day patterns based on odd or even numbered calendar days.

    • Interval: Watering day patterns offset by intervals of 1-31 days. Useful for new landscapes with shallow rooted plants.

    • Days of the Week: Watering day pattern determined by the day of the week

    • Days of the Week by Month: Watering day pattern determined by the day of the week for each month of the year.

    • OFF: No watering will occur.

    Abbreviations for the display are as follows:

    To Assign a Water Day Mode to a Program:

    1.  Press the DAYS/TIMES button.

    2.  Press the à button until the WATER DAY MODE screen displays.

    3.  Press the + or button to scroll through the selections of the water day patterns that best suits your requirements.

    Assigning Odd/Even Mode

    1.  Press the DAYS/TIMES button.

    2.  Press the + or button to select the desired program.

    3.  Press the à button until the WATER DAY MODE screen displays.

    4.  Press the + or button until the Odd/Even screen displays.

    5.  To irrigate on odd days, press the à button.

    6.  To irrigate on even days, press the à button, followed by the + button.

    Assigning Interval Mode

    1.  Press the DAYS/TIMES button.

    2.  Press the + or button to select the desired program.

    3.  Press the à button until the WATER DAY MODE screen displays.

    4.  Press the + or button until the Interval screen displays.

    5.  Press the à button.  The default is every day. Press the + or button to select the number of days in between that you would like to water.

    Assigning Days of Week Mode

    1.  Press the DAYS/TIMES button.

    2.  Press the + or button to select the desired program.

    3.  Press the à button until the WATER DAY MODE screen displays.

    4.  Press the + or button until the Days of Week screen displays.

    5.  Press the à button.  The default is every day. Press the + or button to select the number of days in between that you would like to water.

    Assigning Days of Week by Month Mode 

    1.  Press the DAYS/TIMES button.

    2.  Press the + or button to select the desired program.

    3.  Press the à button until the WATER DAY MODE screen displays.

    4.  Press the + or button until the Days of Week by Month displays.

    5.  Press the à button. The month defaults to January. Press the + or button to select the days of the week that you would like to water. If the letter day A “-“ indicates no watering will take place that day. When the letter of the day of the week is displayed, that means watering will occur that day.  

    6.  Continue with step 5 through the month of December.