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    Setting up and Configuring a FlowStation.

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    Purpose of FlowStation

    Understanding Shared Flow Design and Operation of a shared flow group consists of several BaseStation 3200 irrigation controllers, a FlowStation, the water sources, the control points, and the mainlines that have been turned over to the FlowStation. 

    The FlowStation is the monitor for the entire group of controllers. It monitors the available water and allocates the water to the controllers based on priorities and concurrent zone settings. After all components in the shared flow group are communicating and configured, the BaseStation 3200 asks the FlowStation for water to run the zones in a program. 

    The FlowStation allocates the water, and the programs start based on their priorities. The controller sends status and flow information to the FlowStation once per minute. You can view status reports on the FlowStation.


    Flowstation Resources

    • FlowStation Manual
      • This will give you the instructions on HOW to set up the FlowStation with the 3200s

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